Parents always say that kids grow up so fast.
These parents are correct.
Mr. D is just about three months old. In some ways, it feels like he's been with us for ages. In other ways, the past months have sped by in a blur.
Highlights: Smiles galore. The start of a laugh. Coos and other noises, including occasional painful, high-pitched shrieks. The cutest frowny-face before a cry. The discovery of his fists (yum!). Tracking and holding a gaze. The preference to be held and cuddled. Greater head control. Bearing weight with his little legs. Double chin. Arm rolls. Leg rolls. Wrist rolls. Cat naps during the day unless held. (Update: starting to take 1-2 hour naps! Yay!) Longer stretches of sleep at night. Outgrowing his 3-month clothing. Moving into his 6-month clothing. (Update: moving into some 6-9 month clothing!) Bumping up to medium gDiapers.
Challenges: The first cold brought a congested nose and a bit of a cough. We felt so cruel spraying his nose with saline and using the bulb aspirator -- Ben holding D's head as I tried to speedily manoeuvre and keep the torture brief. D's screams made me feel as though I was betraying his trust. But the next day, when he flashed me many gummy smiles, I suppose all was forgiven. Another challenge: this boy needs regular naps. Otherwise, cranky baby attacks.
What an awesome adventure it has been. I'm so excited to discover what month #3 has in store.
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