Saturday, October 27, 2012

The chair that Ben made

One of the perks of being married to a carpenter and all-around handyman are the handcrafted items in our home. 

This weekend, Ben brought home his latest creation -- a rocking chair he made for Baby V's room. The upholstery was done by Ben's sister, Nicole. Pretty talented bunch, right?

I am really looking forward to the times ahead for me and baby in that rocking chair. The feedings, the reading of bedtime stories. Although, I might not be so excited when baby is hungry at 3 a.m. Still, there is something very special, I think, about rocking a child to sleep in the chair made by his/her Dad. *cue heightened pregnancy emotions here* 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Clutter zone

This is not my bedroom. If it were, the chair would be
covered with my clothes. (Photo: Gouble Dus/Flickr)
Today at The Generous Wife, a blog that gives reminders and ideas on how to grow one's marriage, the plea is made to keep the bedroom a getaway for oneself and one's husband. As in, keep it clean, keep it clutter-free, keep it a retreat.

I confess, our bedroom often becomes my bedroom, my space, and my mess. The often-present collection of clothes and other items on the floor/chair/etc. that I need to put away is termed by us both as "the pile." When clutter has its own name, it has clearly become a problem.

The first step is to admit it. The next step is to do something about it. So here is my goal: before baby arrives and our lives become that much more chaotic, I will seek to tackle the pile -- first in our bedroom, and then in the other areas of the house where my piles spring up (and there are a few of those areas... sadly).

Less clutter, more retreat.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A perfect walk on a perfect day

Today was a perfect fall day. Sunny and warm. Gorgeous fall colours.

We just couldn't resist going out for a leisurely Sunday afternoon hike. This time, we went for a walk on the Bruce Trail along the 8th Line.

All in all, a perfect walk on a perfect fall day.